Put an end to ghost references and guarantors

Our interactive guarantor verification system provides a secure two-step process which documents the guarantor and candidate relationship as well as validates the legitimacy of the identity of a guarantor
Trustworthy Data
Accurate and verified guarantor identity data from national databases and authoritative sources
Secured two factor authentication
A combination of identity verification using national data and digital attestation form
Seamless Integration
Hassle-free incorporation of our API into existing workflows
Worker Accountability
Confirm the employee in question is who they say they are
Full Audit Capabilities
Review previous ‘know-Your-Employee’ requests in a single identity report
Use Cases
Human Resources
Human Resources
Enables individuals and businesses to make informed decisions on the candidate beyond what is written on their resumes.
Financial Institutions
Corroborate or/and guarantee eligibility of an individual or business in lending operations.

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